Revolutionize Your Retail Business To Digital Marketing During a Pandemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the world in many ways. For brick-and-mortar businesses, the economic impact distinctly, therefore, causing many sellers had to cut salaries and lay off workers.

So, this is the best time to bring your retail business to the internet, if you haven’t already.

As customers they are more staying at home during this time, so no excuse for them to shop online rather than going outside. To enable your potential customers to buy from you through the internet, you need a website or social media platform to acknowledge your retail business.

It’s not impossible to think that a skilled individual or small team could create a fully operational marketing agency from scratch within a few months, with a little help, of course.

In this guide, we will share 3 steps that you need to follow if you want to build your business in digital marketing.

# Develop the Necessary Skills

Get more help growing your agency with our free guide.

That being said, it’s important to understand that soft skills are only 50% of the final product that is you. You need to get good at what you’re going to be offering as “professional” services. You have to be able to drive results. If you begin your career managing clients for larger agencies, I would encourage you to actually start working on a marketing team or pick up a handful of small clients to learn the channels and skills you’ll execute on. 

This involves :

  • Build landing page
  • Designing ads
  • Setup social media platforms
  • Create powerful copywriting and content

Perhaps all the guides might be your reference to enlarge your retail business.

# Build a Portfolio

When you start with the digital marketing field, to get reviews and your name out there, you’ll want to offer free services. When you gain trust from your customers, you’ll then attract potential customers.

A good portfolio includes:

  • In-depth case studies
  • Headlines or snippets
  • Client testimonials
  • Upcoming goals for that client

# Set a Business Model

There are numerous ways you can bill your client, and how is up to you. One choice is where they pay you by the hour. This is good for when you have one or shorter tasks. When you start scaling up it can be trickier. A flat retainer is a simple pricing model. This is a flat fee for the month. Just make sure to have rules as far as if a client quits early or scales up with their requirements. The next pricing model is the percentage of spending. This makes sure your agency will receive the correct compensation from your hard work. You can also check our digital marketing agency pricing guide to find out which model fits best for you.


Selling online will have different challenges and opportunities as compared to selling offline. The good news is that logistics companies are still operating during the pandemic in Malaysia. With an online store, you now have a whole new revenue stream.

Ready for your digital marketing venture to begin? Talk to us, and we can help you get started.

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